MOVE - What I'm going to miss

So, I am SUPER EXCITING for my move - we just found an apartment for our first 2,5 months in Amsterdam, woop! But of course there are a lot of things I'm going to miss about living in Shanghai!

Here's a list of things I think I will miss most and are not that common in Amsterdam:

Lisa-Alvaro-Haike-Hilda-Dan-Roberto-Charles-Bordon-Amélie-Julie-Amy-Céline-Jessica-Shaz-Alice-Bill (although the last 2 left before me)
Definitely my number one! In these past 2,5 years I lived in Shanghai I made some really good friends! And some of these friends go way back from when I still lived in Beijing! Thanks for all these amazing moments, laughs, talks, parties, meals,... we had together! You definitely made my time in Shanghai much more awesome and I'm going to miss every single one of you!

I'm sure I will be able to go out for dinner every once in a while in Amsterdam, but here in Shanghai, you can basically go out every night if you'd like to. The last year we are trying to cook more regularly so we are 'only' going out 2-3 times a week... Don't think that's going to happen in Amsterdam, but that's OK! Then we will be able to try out even more new dishes! 

Along with dining out I can talk about my favourite restaurants and bars and I have a lot! And I'm still discovering new ones every week! Especially now we are leaving this city, we made a rule "Every time we go out, we need to try out a new place at least once a week". But there are a couple I really like to go back! And of course it changes from time to time when I discover new places, but at the moment my favourite Chinese is place is Dumpling King or we called it "Dongbei Restaurant", my favourite Western restaurant is La Vite and my favourite bar is Senator Saloon (even though it's expensive!).

The easiest means of transport! Always available, so cheap and fairly safe (depending on the driver). I had a couple of bumpy rides though but (so far) no accidents! Subway I don't take that often, I walk to work and take the bus to most of my favourite places. Sometimes I'd take subway when the destination is close enough to a subway stop or during rush hour, otherwise I'm lazy and take a taxi. 
In Amsterdam I'll most likely buy a bicycle to explore the city, or I'll take the bus! I can drive a car, but I'm not planning on buying one soon, so hurray public transport!

And of course also my apartment, my job (some aspects at least, hehe) and a lot of other things! Is just sometimes so easy living in Shanghai! But I'm absolutely sure that a lot of these things will be replaced by other amazing things! 

Ow, I'm so looking forward for what's coming!


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About me

I'm Leen, twenty-something and born in Belgium. Lived for the past 4,5 years in China and Amsterdam and recently moved back to Antwerp! I'm an interior designer so you’ll find out more design I like, favourite brands and the things I dream about. Hope you enjoy it!

