Colorful food

In between all these beautiful interior spaces I'll be sharing some recipes I like, and this one is definitely worth it! 

I'm the kind of person who loves nice colors in her dishes. Based on this recipe of Pascale Naessens, a female Belgian chef who became quite popular lately, we made a wonderful dish (better: my boyfriend did).

Here's what you need (for 2-3 portions):
- 3 bell peppers (one of each color!)
- 1 red onion
- a can of chickpeas
- 5-6 lamb chops
- a cup of couscous
- cumin
- olive oil

Here's what you do:
Cut the bell peppers and onions into slices. Put them in an oven dish together with the chickpeas. Add olive oil, salt, pepper and cumin. I really like cumin, so I put quite a bit in it! Stir everything nicely. Put this in a preheated oven, 30 minutes, 220°C.
In the meanwhile you can prepare the couscous, 1 cup of water for 1 cup of couscous. When the water boils, add the couscous, turn of the heat and add a lit.
5 minutes before the oven dish is ready put the lamb chops in a hot pan to fry on both sides. 

There you go, ready to eat! Enjoy!

Let me know if you tried this at home! How did you like it?


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About me

I'm Leen, twenty-something and born in Belgium. Lived for the past 4,5 years in China and Amsterdam and recently moved back to Antwerp! I'm an interior designer so you’ll find out more design I like, favourite brands and the things I dream about. Hope you enjoy it!

